Hi! My name is Michael Allen Rose, and I’m a Chicago based author, musician and performance artist. I’ve worked in a variety of mediums, but the things I’m most proud of and known for are probably my books, such as Party Wolves In My Skull and Embry: Hard Boiled from Eraserhead Press and Boiled Americans from […]
Support Tiffany Scandal via PATREON!
Published on :I’m Tiffany Scandal. I am a writer, editor, photographer, podcaster, and videographer. I am the author of There’s No Happy Ending (Eraserhead Press), Jigsaw Youth (Ladybox Books), and the Wonderland Award finalist Shit Luck (Eraserhead Press). I’ve also penned quite a few stories for various anthologies, journals, and magazines. I enjoy creating things that are weird, […]
Support S.T. Cartledge via PATREON!
Published on :S.T. Cartledge is a writer and poet from Australia and he’s creating one-shots and chapbooks of his work that YOU can receive when you sign up to be one of his patrons. I’m a fan of Cartledge’s work, personally. He writes weird and whimsical fiction that blends the magical with […]