Book-Headers - Header Justin Hunter Dad Jokes

A deviant kid tires of his absent father’s antics and summons a curse that will kill him the moment he tells one of his tired zingers. Little does he know that this time, his dad has left for good.

The curse spreads. Dads are dying all over town and nobody knows how to stop it. Meanwhile, the wayward father kills time at a strip club and meets a dancer whose body hungers for wayward men. Literally.

The town falls into chaos while their lone police officer’s sentient shotgun begins to question his owner’s monogamy.

Fiona, the kid’s sister, tires of her mother’s inattentiveness, and decides she must take her freedom, and the town’s future, into her own hands.

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Dad Jokes by Justin Hunter from Planet Bizarro

Dad Jokes by Justin Hunter is a comedic action-packed adventure about a small town horror and a deadly curse that could spell the end of humanity. Hunter is an author from Missouri, USA. Justin writes for every genre and his work has been published from Morbidbooks to Chicken Soup for the Soul. He loves cross stitching, pipe tobacco, and screen-printed occult candles. His bizarro influences include Garrett Cook, Danger Slater, and Emma Johnson.

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