The newest release from Planet Bizarro is a glimpse into the mind of Charles Chadwick.
Celebrated Hollywood star Tom Selleck has it all: talent, good looks, a winning personality, and a track record of television and movie hits, enjoyed by millions around the world. Until one day, while filming his latest project, an old rival attacks him and steals his mustache. Now, lost and adrift, Tom struggles with his new life. Along with a group of dedicated crew members, celebrity friends, government agents, and the robot voice of an old co-star, Selleck has to find the strength to take on his greatest role ever: tracking down his old rival, retrieving his legacy, and saving the world.

Utterly bananas in the best ways. A knee slapping good time that never forgets the jokes don’t work without a strong emotional core. The fictional Tom Selleck’s quest to discover who he really is without his beloved mustache Horatio is equal parts funny and moving.
Brian Asman, Author of Man, Fuck This House
Buy your copy on Books2Read, Barnes&Noble, or Amazon.
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