GRAND PRIZE WINNER – TopShelf Magazine’s 2018 Indie Book Awards!
On Australia’s island state, more than one species of Tasmanian Devil exists…Beneath the surface of Nina Holt’s perfect marriage lurks a life of terror inflicted upon her by her politically powerful husband Michael and his brother Greg, a sadistic detective. For over a decade, they have managed to keep Nina imprisoned, using her to satisfy their every whim. Worse still, the only light in her life—her 9-year-old son, Sam—considers Michael a hero. When Sam imitates Michael’s violence by lashing out at her, Nina knows it’s time for both of them to escape before Sam truly turns into the monster Michael is grooming him to become. After crashing her car in her haste to escape, kind motorist Case Herder offers her help. Unaware that he has his own plans for her, Nina accepts, igniting a deadly game of cat and mouse as they flee across Tasmania with Sam. As Michael and Greg relentlessly hunt them down to Cradle Mountain, Nina finds herself with nowhere left to run. Cornered, she has no choice but to face evil head-on.

“Set in Tasmania, this modern thriller chilled me to the bone and – natch – the character work was nothing short of brilliant. The script was a page-turner with unexpected emotional depth and – well, it’s just disturbing as heck.”
– Julie Gray, The Just Effing Entertain Me contest, after selecting The Devils’ Cradle screenplay as winner of the horror/thriller category.
Darcy Daniel loved reading from an early age and fell in love with many genres, but was drawn most of all to thrillers and romances, leaving her elated when she won the 2018 TopShelf Magazine Grand Prize for her novel The Devils’ Cradle. She has also won the Charter Oak Golden Acorn Excellence in Writing contest for Best Contemporary Series Romance.
She lives on acreage in a cottage with her family and energetic dog. With friends and family close by, she enjoys country life in the picturesque, small historic town of Windsor in Sydney, Australia.
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