Here’s something horrifying. There are wasps that lay their eggs in the buds of tree leaves. Implanted with wasp eggs, the buds become weird abnormal growths called “oak galls”. They look super weird.

This symbiotic relationship between tree and wasp produces all sorts of acids and enzymes that many women in Southeast Asia use on their vaginas. The traditional lore states that oak galls can help a woman’s sex drive, her vaginal elasticity, and restoration of the uterine wall. It’s such a weird homeopathic remedy that some women in the first world have been ordering oak galls over the internet, grinding them up, and applying them to their vaginas.
As cool as this sounds, modern gynecologists suggest that oak galls can severely irritate a woman’s genitalia or infect her with an STD. So even if the cool girls are doing it, don’t put mutated wasp nests in your pussy.
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